Vision Clark Street Corridor Plan
Rogers Park, IL- 8,025 open house flyers distributed to residents, businesses and organizations
- 900+ participants engaged through community open houses, online surveys and discussions with the project team
- All community engagement materials produced in English and Spanish
The Lakota Group was engaged by Rogers Park Business Alliance to create a corridor plan for Clark Street in the heart of the Rogers Park neighborhood. Lakota worked with the project steering committee to provide recommendations to improve coordination among business owners and promote the corridor through branding, public art, and programming. Visualizations were created to illustrate proposed improvements to storefronts & facades, streetscapes, and gateways. Several concepts were explored to improve economic vitality along the corridor—both through land development and business development. Significant bilingual outreach to residents and business owners was performed to ensure the plan reflected the vision of the overall community.
The final Corridor Master Plan synthesized all the feedback received throughout the plan process and graphically illustrates the issues and opportunities of the corridor and the vision for its future. Recommendations prioritize preserving the unique history and character of the corridor and include short term, tactical improvements as well as long term investments. An extensive implementation action plan outlined funding opportunities and priority levels to guide the community in achieving this vision. The final Vision Clark Street Corridor Plan can be viewed here.