Hobart Conservation: Zoning & Sub Area Plan
Hobart, INThe City of Hobart and the Northwestern Indiana Regional Planning Committee (NIRPC) engaged The Lakota Group along with Duncan Associates to create a set of zoning standards to guide the use and design of sites within local conservation areas. The goal of the project was not to prohibit development, but to define the opportunities where development can take place in a manner that respects and enhances conservation areas – both by reducing adverse impacts of adjacent land uses and by improving local access to wildlife where appropriate. This process resulted in the creation of a new “conservation” zoning district to be applied to existing and future managed conservation lands. The new district identifies permitted uses and activities and specifies the need for and rules governing natural resource management plans. The sub-area plan identifies areas where conservation is needed to protect the Lake George watershed and preserve local habitats, and determines parcels where conservation and new development partnerships could occur. Illustrative renderings for priority sites within the sub-area showcase low-impact development best practices.